Home tips for pink lips

Bright, natural pink lips signify youth and beauty. Many young children are naturally blessed withrosy lips and over time the lips may darken. To brighten a dark upper lip color with home tips for pink lips

, you need to look at your overall diet 1st.

Home tips for pink lips

Coffeeteared wine and smoking can lead to the darkening of the upper lip. Residues cause stained lips, lipstick to darken or look. Once you eliminate these problems, try some simple natural home remedies and our home tips for pink lips to brighten your dark lips. These home tips for pink lips are also effective for men dark lips.
1.   Pour 1 tbsp Honey and 2 tbsp Lime juice in a cup and stir well. The mixture over the lip every day for about four days in a natural way to lighten your upper lip color. Make sure the mixture on the lip leave for at least 30 minutes.
2.   Mix 1 tbsp double cream and 3 strands saffronin a cup. Apply it. To your dark upper lip every dayfor a month Let the cream mixture to air dry on the lip and he should make it easier.
3.   Mix 1 cup coriander with a small amount of water in a blender. Pressing, pass the juice from the coriander with a fine sieve. Dip a cotton ball in the juice and spread the juice over the upper lip every night before bedtime for 15 days.
4.   Exfoliate your lips with a lip scrub and then apply 1 tsp Almond oil. Let the almond oil on the lips sit for at least an hour. Do this every day for several weeks.
5.   Distributed Shea-butter to keep on your upper lip every night before going to bed, the moisture in your mouth. If you do not have Shea-butter, choose a lip balm with Shea-butter as a main ingredient.
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